So how’s Witcher 3 doing in 2021, six years after its release? Well, much better than you may think. A YouTube channel called Digital Dreams recently posted a Witcher 3 gameplay running on Nvidia RTX 390 with 50+ mods at a resolution of 8k! The mod list can be found of NexusMods. Words fall short to explain how amazing the game looked, so it’s better for you to watch the full video before you read any further. While the internet raged over this video but dismissed it soon enough labelling it as a ‘gimmick’, I think this clip is an insight into what Witcher 3 could look like on next-gen consoles. Now before I dive into my explanation, let’s clear up a few facts. The video shown above is 100% legit. It’s simply dismissed as a gimmick since RTX 3000 series GPU are in short supply. That means even if we want, we can’t experience the 4K ultrarealist goodness of Witcher 3. Sure, while the next-gen consoles can’t match the graphical performance of RTX 3090, we can certainly expect to see visual upgrades like 4K graphics and ray tracing. What makes me believe that this clip could be an insight into what Witcher 3 could look like on next-gen consoles is the recent leak stating that the Witcher 3 Next-Gen update might feature fan-made mods. According to Kotaku, Halk Hogan, the creator of The Witcher 3 HD Reworked mod for Witcher 3, is working with CDPR on The Witcher 3’s next-gen update. Halk Hogan stated: CDPR, on the other hand, basically said that nothing is set in stone in their PR statement. Their official words were “As of this time, however, we do not have any binding agreements with any such party.” I can’t wait to see one of the prettiest game from the last decade on the next-gen consoles. While nothing is set in stone about Witcher 3 mods, it’s safe to say that the next-gen update will quite likely feature some jaw-dropping graphical improvements.

Witcher 3 Running on RTX 3090 Could be a Sneak Peak of the Games  Next Gen Graphics - 90