As much as we all love to meme about Valve’s aversion to the number “3”, the Steam maker has a penchant for leaving previous pieces of hardware and software to collect dust. But, it appears that Valve is trying to change that with the Steam Deck and the SteamOS. As the company celebrates the launch of its portable PC in Asian territories, Valve revealed a glimpse into the future of the Steam Deck. Here’s an excerpt from the free ebook by Valve: If that’s not a confirmation of a Steam Deck 2 or 3, then we don’t know what is. The Steam Deck is arguably Valve’s best-selling piece of hardware yet, which is why it’s now a huge part of Valve’s future unlike the Steam Controller, Steam Machine, Steam Link, or the Valve Index. Valve hasn’t made the numbers public yet but the console ranks among top-sellers on Steam and has consistently sold out since it was first announced last year. Just to clarify, you can’t get your hands on a Steam Deck yet unless you pre-order it months before. If it’s any consolation, the Steam Deck will serve as an experimental platform for SteamOS. In the same booklet, Valve reveals that it will be releasing the user interface of the portable console available on PC desktops in the future. So, there will come a time when SteamOS will launch as a standalone installer that we can put into our own desktop gaming PCs and give Windows a run for its money.

Valve confirms that new Steam Decks are in the pipeline - 42Valve confirms that new Steam Decks are in the pipeline - 74Valve confirms that new Steam Decks are in the pipeline - 20