Galactic Seasons work in a similar manner to the typical “battle pass” format used in many live service games, with the difference that it is completely free. Instead, the system incentivizes players to be paid subscribers with extra rewards and faster progression, but the new system offers bountiful loot for free players as well. In the leadup to 6.3, Galactic Seasons could be tested on the Public Test Server, and there was quite a bit of confusion about how this progression will work - now that the final version of the game update is live, it’s time to clear all of that up. In this guide we will cover everything there is to know about the first Galactic Season, called “The Stranger from Kubindi”.


If you’ve been following one or more of the many, many live service games that have been popular these past few years, then the idea of a ‘battle pass’ won’t be alien to you. Whenever a new season rolls around, a crop of thematic challenges become available for a limited amount of time, which can earn players similarly themed, limited rewards. The approach in SWTOR is the following - all players have access to Galactic Seasons progression, meaning free to play, Preferred and actively subscribing players all get to participate. However, all subscribers have access to a whole second ‘rewards track’ that remains locked for F2P and Preferred players. To progress through the Galactic Season, you need to complete Priority Objectives of the Daily and Weekly variety. The season consists of 100 levels, all of which require 8 Galactic Season Points to complete, meaning a total of 800 points are needed to finish the entire reward track. Completing Daily POs will get F2P/Preferred players 2 points, and subscribers get 3. Weekly objectives yield 8 and 12. On top of these, you can also earn a lower number of points simply by consistently logging in - if you log into SWTOR any 4 days of a given week, you’ll get 4 points, or 8 if you are a subscriber. The differences in points are meant to make progress slower for F2P players - not impossible. You have the potential to reach Level 100 in the season progress without being a subscriber before the season ends. But when does it end? Well, we do not have an exact date, as BioWare has not shared one. However, we know that each season is planned to last approximately 5 months, so roughly Season 1 will last until October, 2021. Now, let’s crunch some numbers. This means that the season will last approximately 150 days. Assuming a given player successfully earns every Galactic Season point at every given opportunity, including completing all Weekly and Daily POs and getting all the log-in reward points, a F2P/Preferred player can theoretically reach level 100 in 117 days, leaving you with 33 ‘days-off’ as it were. Subscribers can complete the whole reward track in 76 days, leaving 74 days-off. Practically half the season! However, if you don’t want to wait to unlock all the rewards the hard way, or are not sure you’ll have enough time to play to get to the end of the rewards track before the end of the season, you can also buy your way ahead. Entire levels can be purchased to completion using both Credits and Cartel Coins. With Cartel Coins, the price of purchasing a level never changes - it’s always 100 CC to buy a level. This means you can blaze through the entire season by blowing 10,000 Cartel Coins on progress. If you are a subscriber, the actual net cost of this would be just 6,000, because the Subscriber Rewards Track includes Cartel Coin rewards adding up to 4,000 across the entire season. There aren’t any 10,000 CC packs being sold by BioWare, however the 5,500 CC pack costs $40, while the 14,500 CC pack costs $100, meaning the rough real-money value of 10,000 CC is around $70 or so. We definitely don’t recommend going down this route, but if you want to boast all the rewards earlier than most other players, the option is there. As for credits, that option will be unlocked later on in the season as a “catch-up” mechanic, rather than a way to get ahead. We do know that every time you purchase a level with credits, the subsequent cost will increase, meaning the more you rely on this system the more you will be paying.

Season 1: Companion - Altuur zok Adon

Each season will have one season-specific companion for players to unlock at level 1. As the title of this first season suggests, our first new friend is a Kubaz - a sharpshooter called Altuur zok Adon. So, how can you unlock him? First of all, you need to collect 8 Galactic Season points to reach level 1, then in your Galactic Seasons panel - which is another tab in the Log-In Rewards window accessible by clicking on the little tick next to your mail indicator - and click ‘claim’. Make sure to claim him on the character you mainly want to have Altuur on, as each reward can be claimed once, after which it is added to your Collections. To get copies of these rewards - including Altuur - on other characters in your legacy, you will have to pay a small Cartel Coin fee. Unlocking Altuur for all characters costs 10 coins. Now that you have him unlocked, there will be two items in your inventory. The first, a glowing box, is intended to be used if you have progressed beyond Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire and have access to Odessen and Alliance Alerts. This will grant you Altuur’s recruitment mission. If you haven’t reached that point, or are a F2P player without access to KotFE, you need to use the other item, which is the Strange Holocommunicator. This immediately adds Altuur to your list of active companions without the recruitment. Altuur’s recruitment mission is awfully easy - go to the large “balcony” area of the Odessen base, and simply speak to him. This will trigger a short dialogue in which he is very animate, likely a design decision to compensate for his lack of facial expressions. After a few responses, he joins you in your travels. Like most other companions, he starts at Influence Level 1. However, increasing his influence to 50 works a little differently than usual - he’ll still like certain gifts and will earn influence from Crew Skill Missions, but scattered throughout the Rewards Track of the Galactic Season are specific Companion Gifts intended for Altuur alone. The idea is that if you work your way through all 100 levels, you’ll be able to take Altuur to Influence Level 50 without any outside assistance. Upon unlocking Influence Level 50 with any character, a purchasable Perk will be unlocked in your Legacy window which will let all subsequent characters easily fast-track Altuur to level 50. This is the first such opportunity in the history of SWTOR, and by reaching level 50 with Altuur once, you’re basically granting all future characters a fast and easy Level 50 companion.

Priority Objectives

Since season 1 is titled “The Stranger from Kubindi”, some of the objectives this season are themed after Kubaz as much as they can be without an actual playable Kubindi location. Since the Kubaz are insectivores, a frequently recurring Priority Objective has you hunting down insectoid enemies throughout the galaxy. There are plenty of more generic objectives as well, though. You can find your daily and weekly Priority Objectives in the same menu as the Conquest Objectives of the week, at the top of the list. If the Objectives you get that given day or week are not to your liking, you can reroll them in a limited capacity. Does your Weekly Objective require you to compete in 3 Warzones, but you don’t like PvP? Maybe if you reroll it you’ll be tasked with completing a Story Mode Operation. You can track your Priority Objectives, which will appear in your Achievement Tracker, not your Mission Tracker. The pool of objectives you roll from will change week to week over the course of the season, with some minimal differences between them. There are five ‘weeks’, all named after a region of space on the galaxy map.


Week 1: Coreward Worlds

Defeat enemies across “Coreward” planets (Alderaan, Balmorra, Corellia, Mek-Sha, or Onderon). Defeat Insectoids across “Coreward” planets (Alderaan or Balmorra). Complete Heroic missions across “Coreward” planets (Alderaan, Balmorra, or Corellia). Complete Daily Missions across “Coreward” planets (Black Hole or Onderon). Compete in any Unranked Warzone match. Complete any Galactic Starfighter match. Defeat non-player opponents across Hutta, Korriban, Ord Mantell, or Tython. Defeat non-player opponents across Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.

Week 2: Distant Outer Rim

Defeat Enemies across “Distant Outer Rim’’ planets (Belsavis, Hoth, Rishi, or Tatooine). Defeat Insectoids across Tatooine. Complete Heroic missions across “Distant Outer Rim” planets (Belsavis, Hoth, or Tatooine). Complete Daily Missions across “Distant Outer Rim” planets (Rishi or Section X). Compete in any Unranked Warzone match. Complete any Galactic Starfighter match. Defeat non-player opponents across Hutta, Korriban, Ord Mantell, or Tython. Defeat non-player opponents across Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.

Week 3: Hutt Space

Defeat enemies across “Hutt Space” planets (Makeb, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Voss, or Ossus). Defeat Insectoids across “Hutt Space’’ planets (Voss or Ossus). Complete Heroic missions across “Hutt Space” planets (Makeb, Nar Shaddaa, or Voss). Complete Daily Missions across “Hutt Space” planets (Makeb or Ossus). Compete in any Unranked Warzone match. Complete any Galactic Starfighter match. Defeat non-player opponents across Hutta, Korriban, Ord Mantell, or Tython. Defeat non-player opponents across Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.

Week 4: Seat of the Empire

Defeat enemies across “Seat of the Empire” planets (Oricon, Taris, Yavin 4, or Dantooine). Defeat Insectoids across the galaxy. Complete Heroic Missions on Taris. Complete Daily Missions across “Seat of the Empire” planets (Oricon, Yavin 4, or Ziost). Compete in any Unranked Warzone match. Complete any Galactic Starfighter match. Defeat non-player opponents across Hutta, Korriban, Ord Mantell, or Tython. Defeat non-player opponents across Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.

Week 5: Unknown and Wild Space

Defeat enemies across ”Unknown and Wild Space” planets (CZ-198, Ilum, or Iokath). Defeat Insectoids across the galaxy. Complete Daily Missions across “Unknown and Wild Space” planets (CZ-198 or Iokath). Compete in any Unranked Warzone match. Complete any Galactic Starfighter match. Defeat non-player opponents across Hutta, Korriban, Ord Mantell, or Tython. Defeat non-player opponents across Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.


Week 1: Coreward Worlds

Complete any of the “Coreward Worlds” Story Mode Operations (Nature of Progress once, Scum and Villainy once, or Hive of the Mountain Queen three times). Complete 3 “Coreward Worlds” Veteran Mode Flashpoints through Group Finder (Assault on Tython, Kuat Drive Yards, Depths of Manaan, or Red Reaper). Complete 3 Unranked Warzone matches. Complete 4 Galactic Starfighter matches.

Week 2: Distant Outer Rim

Complete any one of the “Distant Outer Rim” Story Mode Operations (Eternity Vault, Explosive Conflict, Terror From Beyond, or The Ravagers). Complete any 3 “Distant Outer Rim” Veteran Mode Flashpoints through Group Finder (Battle of Rishi, Blood Hunt, Athiss, Mandalorian Raiders, or Taral V). Complete 3 Unranked Warzone matches. Complete 4 Galactic Starfighter matches.

Week 3: Hutt Space

Complete any of the “Hutt Space” Story Mode Operations (Karagga’s Palace once, Scum and Villainy once, Toborro’s Courtyard three times, or Hive of the Mountain Queen three times). Complete any 3 “Hutt Space” Veteran Mode Flashpoints through Group Finder (Cademimu, Directive 7, or Kuat Drive Yards). Complete 3 Unranked Warzone matches. Complete 4 Galactic Starfighter matches.

Week 4: Seat of the Empire

Complete any of the “Seat of the Empire” Story Mode Operations (Dread Fortress once, Dread Palace once, Temple of Sacrifice once, or Colossal Monolith three times). Complete any 3 “Seat of the Empire” Veteran Mode Flashpoints through Group Finder (Korriban Incursion, False Emperor, Boarding Party, The Foundry, or Maelstrom Prison). Complete 3 Unranked Warzone matches. Complete 4 Galactic Starfighter matches.

Week 5: Unknown and Wild Space

Complete any of the “Unknown and Wild Space” Story Mode Operations (Gods From the Machine, Terror From Beyond, Hive of the Mountain Queen three times, or Colossal Monolith three times). Complete any 3 “Unknown Wild Space” Veteran Mode Flashpoints through the Group Finder (Czerka Corporate Labs, Czerka Core Meltdown, Legacy of the Rakata, Battle of Ilum, or Directive 7). Complete 3 Unranked Warzone matches. Complete 4 Galactic Starfighter matches.


Rewards in the Galactic Seasons are separated between two Reward Tracks - Free and Subscriber. If you are a F2P or a Preferred player, you logically only unlock the rewards on the Free track, whereas as a Subscriber you get the rewards of both the Free and Subscriber tracks. If a given level has a reward on both tracks, Subscribers get both, if there is only a reward for that level on the Free track, all players get that, however if a given level only has a reward on the Subscriber track, F2P players won’t get anything on that given level.

Free to Play

New Kubaz Companion: Altuur zok Adon Altuur zok Adon premium gifts (Granting up to Rank 18 Influence in total) Mythran Armor Set Legacy Title: Ally to the Kubaz 10 Kubindi Terrarium Stronghold decorations 10 Adon Portrait Stronghold decorations 2 Classic Cartel Weapon Packs - Bronze Quality 2 Classic Cartel Armor Packs - Bronze Quality 2 Classic Cartel Mount Packs - Bronze Quality Classic Cartel Weapon Pack - Silver Quality Classic Cartel Armor Pack - Silver Quality Classic Cartel Mount Pack - Silver Quality 5 Galactic Season Tokens


The complete Altuur’s Ornate Weapon Set The complete Altuur’s Exquisite Weapon Set Mythran Hunter Armor Set Shadowlight Vehicle Mount Subterranean, Arid, and Albino Teithek Mounts Starclipse (unique Altuur zok Adon weapon) Altuur’s Infiltrator and Reconnaissance Customizations Altuur’s Superior Armor set (can only be used by Altuur) Altuur zok Adon premium gifts (granting up to Rank 50 Influence with gifts from the free reward track) Stronghold Label: Hideout Legacy Title: Honored Among Kubaz Queens 10 Smuggled Art Stronghold decorations 10 Insecticulture Research Stronghold decorations 10 Kubindi Hive Farm Stronghold decorations 10 Galactic Season Tokens (in total) 4000 Cartel Coins (in total)

Vendor Items

You’ll have noticed that among the rewards are so called Galactic Season Tokens - these are a new form of currency players can use to unlock special rewards not on the Season’s Reward Track. Instead, these can be spent at a number of Seasonal vendors. Galactic Season Tokens can be used in a variety of ways - Free to Play and Preferred players may purchase items only available on the Subscriber rewards track using these tokens - though the 5 you can earn over the course of the season won’t be enough for all of them, so choose wisely. Additionally, BioWare has made a number of formerly time-exclusive rewards available to be bought with Tokens. Certain titles, mounts, pets and companions were available to players who were playing - or subscribers - on specific real-world dates, with no ways to unlock them later on. These include companions like Master Ranos or Niko Okarr, or items like the HK-55 Helmet. The main attractions however are the brand new Fleet Apartment strongholds, one for Imperials and one for Republic players. Each stronghold will cost 8 Galactic Season Tokens to unlock - this means that not even subscribers will be able to unlock both within the span of one season. This caused quite a bit of contention during the testing phase, with suggestions that it would be changed for full release, but BioWare has clarified that this is intentional. The costs for other companions and items are as follows:

Dazh Ranos - 6 Tokens Nico Okarr - 5 Tokens Shae Vizla - 5 Tokens Paxton Rall - 5 Tokens Kakkran Daggerstar - 3 Tokens Umbaran Patrol Tauntaun - 3 Tokens JA-3 Speeder - 3 Tokens HK-55 Jetpack - 3 Tokens Rapid Recon Walker - 3 Tokens Chiss Talon Interceptor - 3 Tokens Lucky 77 Swoop - 3 Tokens Eternal Empire Patroller - 3 Tokens Makrin Creeper Seedling - 1 Token K1-W4 Astromech Droid - 1 Token Gannifari - 1 Token JA-3 Subversive Battle Droid - 1 Token Model Mach 2 - 1 Token Model Gravestone - 1 Token Model Zakuul Battlecruiser - 1 Token Mini-Mogul NM-1 - 1 Token Heliotropic Subteroth - 1 Token RE-1 Scout Droid - 1 Token Tauntaun Ram - 1 Token Nico’s Blaster - 2 Tokens HK-55’s Blaster Pistol - 2 Tokens HK-55’s Sniper Rifle - 2 Tokens HK-55’s Vibrosword - 2 Tokens Nico Okarr’s Duster - 2 Tokens HK-55 Helmet - 2 Tokens Galactic Alliance Statue Replica - 2 Tokens Grand Statue of Revan Replica - 3 Tokens Makeb Gazebo Replica - 3 Tokens Propaganda: Fight for the Meatbags Replica - 2 Tokens Test Pilot - 1 Token The Illustrious - 1 Token The Intrepid - 1 Token The Risen - 1 Token Scourge of the Hutts - 1 Token Altuur’s Ornate Assault Cannon 1 Token Altuur’s Ornate Blaster 1 Token Altuur’s Ornate Blaster Rifle 1 Token Altuur’s Ornate Sniper Rifle 1 Token Altuur’s Ornate Dualsaber 1 Token Altuur’s Ornate Lightsaber 1 Token Altuur’s Infiltrator Customization 4 Tokens Arid Teithek Mount 3 Tokens Subterranean Teithek Mount 2 Tokens Succulent Picolet Beetles (Prototype Altuur gift) 1 Token Immaculate Art of a Kubaz Queen (Artifact Altuur gift) 2 Tokens Detailed Writings of Insecticulture (Legendary Altuur gift) 3 Tokens Star Wars  The Old Republic Galactic Seasons  The Stranger From Kubindi  Guide - 24Star Wars  The Old Republic Galactic Seasons  The Stranger From Kubindi  Guide - 57Star Wars  The Old Republic Galactic Seasons  The Stranger From Kubindi  Guide - 18Star Wars  The Old Republic Galactic Seasons  The Stranger From Kubindi  Guide - 85Star Wars  The Old Republic Galactic Seasons  The Stranger From Kubindi  Guide - 64Star Wars  The Old Republic Galactic Seasons  The Stranger From Kubindi  Guide - 4Star Wars  The Old Republic Galactic Seasons  The Stranger From Kubindi  Guide - 35Star Wars  The Old Republic Galactic Seasons  The Stranger From Kubindi  Guide - 24Star Wars  The Old Republic Galactic Seasons  The Stranger From Kubindi  Guide - 61