Best of all, Fallen Order made history as the fastest-selling Star Wars game of all time after selling over 10 million copies. The timing of Fallen Order’s release was also perfect. It was strictly a single-player title. This meant that it contradicted all claims that EA had turned their attention exclusively on quick cash grabs. Surely enough, the game went on to become a commercial and critical success. However, with Respawn Entertainment occupied with their work on Apex Legends over the past two years, it seemed that any hope of the game receiving a sequel was gone. Until now. True, Apex Legends remains one of EA’s biggest hitters. But, judging by the look of things, it seems that Respawn Entertainment wants to continue working on other articles. In particular, a sequel to Fallen Order.

Respawn Senior Producer’s Tweet Sparks Rumors

Given its success, a sequel to Fallen Order was only a matter of time. However, as we’ve already mentioned, with Respawn Entertainment busy, many expected the sequel to be announced later rather than anytime soon. With that said, it didn’t stop rumors of a Fallen Order sequel to start popping up sometime last year. It also certainly didn’t help dispel the said rumors that Lucasfilm Games was revived and that there are currently multiple Star Wars projects in the works right now. While much of the info available don’t really care that much credibility, what does carry a lot of weight is the words of a Senior Producer working in Respawn Entertainment. In particular, one that actually worked on Fallen Order.

— Blair Brown (@BlairBroon) March 11, 2021 In a recent tweet, Blair Brown posted what basically was an ad for an experienced producer. He claims that the producer will work with him on a Star Wars title at Respawn Entertainment. Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean that Fallen Order 2 is in the works. After all, Electronic Arts could’ve given the reigns of the Battlefront series to Respawn Entertainment so that DICE can focus on working on Battlefield 6. However, the likelihood here is that this is a potential tease to a Fallen Order sequel. There’s also the possibility that this could be pertaining to a completely new Star Wars title from Respawn Entertainment, which would also make sense. However, you’d have to consider the fact that EA CEO Andrew Wilson once used the phrase “first title in an entirely new franchise” when referring to Fallen Order in an earnings call. At the same time, CFO Blake Jorgensen used the words “significantly beaten” when asked about the sales expectations of the 2019 title. Ultimately, all signs point out to a Fallen Order sequel. Whether or not this will be confirmed within the next few weeks or months is now the question on everybody’s mind.

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