In case you didn’t know, Titanfall and Apex Legends share the same universe. The hit battle royale title is set over three decades following the events of Titanfall 1 and 2. Recently, the studio has added certain elements from the underrated shooters to Apex Legends. Case in point, Ash, Apex Legends’ robotic warrior legend, fought against the protagonist of Titanfall 2 and his Titan. She’s the first character from the Titanfall games to make her way to Apex Legends but we doubt she will be the last. Now, it appears that Respawn Entertainment is ready to expand Apex Legends and make a new single-player FPS title set in the game’s universe. According to several job listings posted by Respawn Entertainment, the studio is working on an “Apex Universe FPS Incubation title” that will most likely be a single-player game. It’s about time that Respawn leveraged the widely popular free-to-play game. We understand that Titanfall has its fair share of fans, but the Apex Legends IP has been more financially rewarding for the studio. It just wouldn’t make sense for Respawn not to at least try making a single-player “spin-off” to Apex Legends, which is also technically a spin-off of Titanfall. Unfortunately, without an official confirmation from EA or Respawn, we are at the mercy of when the publisher will give the studio the greenlight to reveal more details. Fingers crossed, we’ll see EA hold EA Play Live next year after canceling the event this year. Speaking of Respawn Entertainment, the Apex Legends studio is working on three Star Wars projects right now. The main highlight is Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, which comes out in 2023. The others are a stylish FPS shooter set in the Star Wars universe and a strategy game with Greg Foertsch, the art director for the first two X-COM games.

Respawn Entertainment might be working on a single player Apex Legends game - 52Respawn Entertainment might be working on a single player Apex Legends game - 22Respawn Entertainment might be working on a single player Apex Legends game - 9