Reputed Apex Legends dataminer, KralRindo, found several Titanfall maps in Apex Legends’ files, such as:

Exoplanet Homestead Angel City Black Water Canal Boneyard Crashsite Rise Eden Colony

In addition to KralRindo’s findings, Thordan Smash also found proof of a loading screen of the Colony map. With nine maps found in Apex Legends’ files, it feels like it’s only a matter of time before they’re added to the game. But, not all fans are quick to believe. Some are just tired of all of the rumors suggesting that Respawn is open to bringing more of Titanfall to Apex Legends. Keep in mind that it wasn’t too long ago that hackers took down Apex Legends just so that Respawn would pay attention to Titanfall 2. On the other hand, some fans did have valid points. For example, one fan said that Titanfall 2 maps were made with pilot movement in mind, while another added that the same maps wouldn’t work as well in Apex Legends because of the difference in movement. Respawn deserves the benefit of the doubt. Surely, the studio must have thought of these. Wall-running and piloting mechs are out of the equation, but Respawn could change the maps to appease both Titanfall and Apex Legends players In the meantime, Titanfall fans shouldn’t keep their hopes high up for Titanfall 3. Respawn is currently working on three Star Wars games.

Remastered Titanfall maps might be coming to Apex Legends - 81Remastered Titanfall maps might be coming to Apex Legends - 68Remastered Titanfall maps might be coming to Apex Legends - 12