Steam has as close to a monopoly as you can get on the digital distribution of games. Most gamers use the platform to buy and download their games. Not only that, but most players prefer to use Steam over other platforms, including but not limited to, the Epic Games Store. Still, that hasn’t stopped Epic Games from trying to put a dent on Steam’s stranglehold on the PC market. With that said, one of their main strategies has been to give away free games on a regular basis. Already, we’ve seen the Epic Games Store play host to a number of free titles. This includes hit post-apocalyptic FPS title, Metro: Last Light, as well as For the King. Making a game like Rage 2, as well as a lesser-known title like Absolute Drift, available should give users given more of a reason to switch platforms if only temporarily. This is especially with Epic Games securing exclusivity of franchises such as Kingdom Hearts in their first-ever PC release.

What Is Rage 2?

Starting February 19 until February 26, you can get Rage 2 free on the Epic Games Store. But, first things first, what kind of game is Rage 2? Developed by industry powerhouses, Avalanche Studios Group and id Software, as well as published by Bethesda Softworks, Rage 2 serves as the sequel to the 2011 title, Rage, which was widely praised upon release due to how well-made the game was and how much time the developers devoted into adding the tiny details into the game that made it so much more immersive. While Rage 2 was not as well-received, it remains, nevertheless, a must-play sequel that shares many similarities with the Mad Max and DOOM video games. With that said, the worst you can do is to claim the game today and let it sit in your Epic Games Store library forever.

Rage 2 Free on Epic Games Store Until Feb 26 - 64