Know those stories about how some major blockbusters get their entire script leaked because an actor or crew member accidentally left a copy under a mattress in a hotel, and the cleaners found it after? Right - and do you also know the newer stories where fake scripts are purposefully left behind to be found and leaked, to keep the actual script a secret? Then you have a vague idea of what Respawn’s been doing to prevent details of upcoming Apex Legends content getting out too soon. The principle is the same, but transplanted into video game form - the developers occasionally leave in bits and pieces of unrealized concepts that are no longer being developed, allowing players to ‘discover’ them and start crafting theories about those fake clues, instead of digging for real data. Game Director Chad Grenier and Season 8 Director Steven Ferriera recently answered a few questions for Inverse, where this particular tidbit of information comes from. We’re curious to see how effective the in-game breadcrumbs will be now that the secret is out, though. Season 8 of Apex Legends launches today, bringing a new Legend called Fuse to the competition. Luckily, the trigger happy hero was kept under wraps until Respawn revealed him, not before.

Here s How Apex Legends Devs Tricked Leakers - 26Here s How Apex Legends Devs Tricked Leakers - 82Here s How Apex Legends Devs Tricked Leakers - 50