However, when it comes to Dark Souls games, this isn’t the case. Although the Souls games are technically five games deep including Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne, there are only three “Dark Souls” games, and the best of them is Dark Souls 3. The 2016 action role-playing video game from FromSoftware is widely considered as the most fun game to play of the trilogy, with a much faster pace and a more involved combat system. Now, it’s about to get even better - at least, on the Xbox Series X.

What does FPS Boost do for Dark Souls 3 on Xbox Series X?

The FPS Boost feature was announced in February 2021. Basically, what it does is take all the backwards compatible games on the Xbox Series X and makes them play better on Microsoft’s next-gen console. It started with only a handful of games up until May, when a new update added the likes of Star Wars Battlefront 2, Fallout 4, Far Cry 5, and Alien: Isolation, to the growing list of games with FPS Boost on the Xbox Series X. Starting today and going forward, you can add Dark Souls 3 to that list. As a result of the recent update, Dark Souls 3 can now run at 60 frames per second on the Xbox Series S/X. Now, you can find yourself getting punished by the unwelcoming denizens of Lothric in higher frame rates. The jump from 30 frames per second to 60 frames per second might not sound like much at first glance, especially in a day and age when some games can run at up to 120 frames per second on the Xbox Series X, but it’s still a substantial increase. For a game like Dark Souls 3, where precision is key to survival, this is a godsend. Unfortunately, the resolution is still locked at 900p. This means that while gameplay will be buttery smooth on the Xbox Series X, it still won’t look as pretty as other games that can run at higher resolutions. To experience Dark Souls 3 at 60FPS on the Xbox Series S/X, all you have to do is to download the new update and reboot your console. That’s it.

What’s next for FromSoftware?

Playing through Dark Souls 3 is great practice so that you can keep yourself in tip-top shape for the other Soulslike games that are coming soon. Elden Ring, in particular, is slated to be FromSoftware’s next big AAA title. After working on the Dark Souls games and dabbling with other IPs like Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Bloodborne, FromSoftware is working with Games of Thrones author George R.R Martin to deliver an open-world fantasy action game that looks like a more grandiose take on the classic Dark Souls formula. True enough, Hidetaka Miyazaki himself refers to Elden Ring as the “evolution” of the Dark Souls series. If you’d like to know more about Elden Ring, we recommend that you read through our preview.

Dark Souls 3 FPS Boost update lets it run at 60FPS on Xbox Series S X - 92Dark Souls 3 FPS Boost update lets it run at 60FPS on Xbox Series S X - 44Dark Souls 3 FPS Boost update lets it run at 60FPS on Xbox Series S X - 83Dark Souls 3 FPS Boost update lets it run at 60FPS on Xbox Series S X - 93