The news spread after some Discord screenshots were leaked from the cheat operator’s server, showing messages from a user called Xav warning users that cheat software from provider Cobalt Solutions is stealing cryptocurrency from the PCs of users, as well as using these PCs to mine its own bitcoin - the claims allege that Cobalt stole $900 in bitcoin over the course of a single day and that there is no telling how much they stole in the past. Important to understand here is that this is neither unheard of, nor uncommon, nor hard to achieve. The vast majority of paid cheat engine users go in without knowing that using these programs - instructions for which require you to disable all sorts of security measures on your device - essentially hand over complete control of your PC to the provider.

This behavior isn’t unheard of in the industry, so it’s not really a surprise. — NYSL Mavriq (@MavriqGG) April 24, 2022 Exploiting these consensually opened backdoors is common practice in the cheat provider industry, if you can call it that, and there are several well documented cases of providers using the hardware of their customers to mine cryptocurrency on the side. One particular game the cheats for which are lousy with mining software is Rainbow Six Siege. Cobalt Solutions has apparently refuted the claims, going so far as pledging to pay $20,000 to whoever manages to prove the allegations with hard evidence, and to shut down the business if this happens. The cheat provider claims that whenever someone accuses them of this - apparently it happened before - the accusers disappear after being asked for evidence. While a thoroughly scummy move if true, it’s hard to feel bad for the victims to any degree, considering they are paying customers of a cheat provider. This is hardly a legitimate business, and it seems that despite how the saying goes, there is no honor among thieves. It isn’t yet known if the allegations are true, but we doubt Cobalt would live up to their pledge if hard evidence would pop up. Call of Duty: Warzone has been struggling with a particularly bad case of cheaters ever since it launched in 2019, and all of Activision’s efforts and updated anti-cheat systems have only helped treat symptoms at best. The free to play battle royale is bleeding players, a situation the cheaters certainly aren’t helping. In any case, the game just entered its third Season 3 (one for each mainline game it’s been integrated with) and will soon get stomped on by Godzilla and King Kong.

COD Warzone cheat provider allegedly stole Bitcoin from users - 71COD Warzone cheat provider allegedly stole Bitcoin from users - 5COD Warzone cheat provider allegedly stole Bitcoin from users - 72