Call of Duty Mobile first launched in 2020, quickly growing to become one of the most played mobile shooters on the market with a budding esports scene. Thus, it only makes sense for Activision to bring back the competitive scene for Call of Duty Mobile for a second season.

What Does Activision Have in Store for Call of Duty Mobile Esports in 2021?

To promote this year’s competitive scene, Activision showcased a highlight reel filled with all the best things that happened in last year. This includes iconic maps like the Shooting Range and Summit. At the same time, Activision also sprinkled in a number of key details about what to expect from Call of Duty Mobile Esports in 2021. Naturally, the promotional video got fans hyped for what’s to come. Meanwhile, many have taken this opportunity to share their experiences of competing last year. It’s clear that the esports scene for Call of Duty Mobile is alive and well, and is only bound to get bigger with the developer looking to invest on it more. Unfortunately, while the promotional video was a great way to hype things up, a lot of key details remain unknown. If it’s any consolation, Activision has, so far, kept Call of Duty Mobile updated throughout its short but fruitful lifetime. Each new piece of content freshens things up and gives players a reason to come back for more. Because of this, we can expect Activision to try and one up their efforts from last year with even more features for the next season of Call of Duty Mobile Esports. As of the moment, Call of Duty Mobile is rumored to receive a new update that will feature an all-new zombies mode, among many other things.

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