Activision used to announce their next next Call of Duty game by May of every year and did this until Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Cold War was instead announced in the summer of 2020, followed by an official release just a few months later. The deviation was probably due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the name of the game has been rumored to be “Vanguard” for the longest time, the placeholder name of Call of Duty 2021 was accidentally updated on with a new name - “Call of Duty: Slipstream”, along with a new logo. As you can see below the logo certainly has a World War II vibe, which is when the new game is set.

— Tom Henderson (@Tom_Henderson) June 29, 2021 Call of Duty: Vanguard is expected to be revealed some time during August 2021, via some sort of special announcement or in-game event in Call of Duty: Warzone. Warzone and Black Ops Cold War are fast approaching the end of Season 4 and are season 5 is scheduled to begin on August 12, 2021. So the Vanguard reveal event could take place at either the start of season 5, or later in the season. When it does, it will be the second time an in-game Warzone event has revealed the next COD game. The first event that took place in Warzone was for the reveal of the Black Ops Cold War, which was preceded by months of easter egg hunting and finally a full-blown in-game event. Activision has also since stated that, moving forward, Warzone will serve as a “marketing medium” for future Call of Duty games. So it is no surprise that Warzone will be used to reveal COD 2021. What’s more, a known credible data miner that goes by the name of “Zesty” on Twitter has posted some files from the game data files suggesting a near-term future event in Warzone.

I’ve actually known about this for a while now, but I felt like I didn’t have enough for a post. There is a NEW major event coming called ‘X2’ that will feature the ‘Armoured Train’ and ‘Ambushes’. BOCW’s Reveal Event was ‘x1_fin’ 👀🔥 ♥️+🔃 — Zesty - News & Leaks (@ZestyCODLeaks) April 26, 2021 All new Call of Duty titles will be integrated with Warzone, similar to Black Ops Cold War. In fact, according to rumors, the new Call of Duty title will be even more deeply integrated into Warzone than Cold War. This makes sense - Black Ops Cold War was the first-ever game to be integrated into Warzone and Activision has probably refined the system further since. Just like Verdansk, a new World War II-themed map is also rumored to be coming to Warzone. This is something the player base has been asking for quite some time, and apparently the map will either arrive at the same time as Call of Duty 2021, or shortly thereafter. As we’ve said all the above is rumors and speculation, but we expect to hear official, additional details about the next Call of Duty game shortly.

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