It’s not for the lack of effort though, Bethesda seems adamant to make Fallout 76 work. In particular, they’ve released a lot of post-launch content for Fallout 76, with even more coming, as detailed in the 2021 roadmap. Scroll down below to know more about what’s to come in Fallout 76 this 2021.

What’s Included in the Fallout 76 2021 Roadmap?

Read it all here: — Bethesda Game Studios (@BethesdaStudios) March 22, 2021 Some good news and some bad news. The good news is that more story quests are coming to Fallout 76. The bad news is that they won’t be added to Fallout 76 until June and July. First up on the list of new content coming to Fallout 76 is the spring update. Headlining the said updates are new load-outs and CAMP slots. The latter will let you create even more camps in this MMORPG take on the Fallout franchise. The spring update will also add a new daily ops expansion, mannequins, as well as aim-assist for consoles. Following this is the summer update, which will see the finale of the Brotherhood of Steel storyline. This means that you should expect to see more new locations added to the game, as well as accompanying missions, rewards, and NPCs. Unfortunately, Bethesda was vague when it came to providing details for the fall update. Instead, they opted to use the phrase “the next evolution of private worlds”. We don’t really know what it means if we’re being honest. But, if it’s any consolation, a new daily ops expansion will be added to the game by then. Finally, with the winner 2021 update, a new event or storyline titled “Tales from the Stars” will make its way to Fallout 76. Bethesda describes the upcoming update as “marvel at the discovery of new legends and the reappearance of an Appalachian myth”.

What’s Next for Fallout 76?

Fallout 76’s new seasonal model has been a moderate success so far. It’s helped add more content to the game since it was introduced last year, but much of the new additions to Fallout 76 haven’t been anything significant. In fact, the conclusion of the Brotherhood of Steel storyline will be the first time Bethesda will add anything significant to Fallout 76 in months. Hopefully, the conclusion via the Steel Reign will be just as enjoyable if not even better than what the first half gave players. Another thing that players are looking forward to is the addition of camp pets in the winter update. Even though it is currently possible to subdue and capture wild creatures in Fallout 76, it’s a cumbersome system that most people don’t really bother learning. Feel free to click here to check out the official rundown of the Fallout 76 2021 roadmap before it drops.

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