Your chosen team all comes down to personal preferences. However, a basic rule when building a team is to select a character that will become the main DPS and build around them, considering the elemental resonance and roles. A standard party setup would be using a heavy-hitter DPS and adding another support DPS character that has the same element, in order to activate elemental resonance. After having two same elements on your team, you can now add your preferred Utility character for more survivability or look for elemental reactions and generations. Below are the best team compositions for each element that will generate elemental resonance and generation. We’ve also included the best weapon and artifact build for each character in your team, so you don’t have to look anywhere else.

Pyro Team

The best DPS for Pyro is undeniably still Diluc. He is a heavy-hitter, and powering up his Q allows you to smolder enemies. The top-tier characters to combine with Diluc would be Bennett, Fischl, and Venti. Combining Diluc and Bennett activates the elemental resonance Fervent Flames and grants you 25% Increased ATK. Fischl is an excellent addition to any party due to her being a high-tier support DPS that can overload enemies. Adding Venti to the team also helps add the Swirl effect on your enemies. Adding an Anemo element to your team allows you to group enemies and deal huge AOE damage. Anemo will amplify the other elements and cause an elemental reaction.


The best weapon for Diluc is Wolf’s Gravestone. However, equipping him with the Skyward Pride or Serpent Spine works as well. If you want a craftable option, you can use Prototype Animus on Diluc instead. As for Bennett, the best weapon would be the Aquila Favonia Wish, but you can use Flute and Blacksword as well. If you would like a craftable option, you can equip Bennett with Prototype Rancour. As for Venti, the best weapons would be the Stringless and Favonius Warbow. To maximize Fischl’s support damage, you can equip the Skyward Harp and Viridescent Hunt for her weapon.


Diluc can equip four sets of Crimson Witch to power up his Q. However, if you would like to prioritize E instead, you can use four Gladiator sets. If you want to have the best overall damage for Benett, you can equip him with four sets of Gladiator’s Finale. Otherwise, you can use two sets of Bloodstained Chivalry and two sets of Gladiator’s Finale. Fischl can equip four sets of Noblesse Oblige or four sets of Thundering Fury for additional support damage. The best artifact set for Venti is the four Veridescent Venerer sets. If you are building more damage on him, you can equip him with four Wanderer’s Troup sets.

Hydro Team

One of the new characters to come out from Genshin Impact is Tartaglia or Childe. He is one of the top-tier hydro damage dealers around, and you can benefit from making him your main DPS character. This composition focuses on maximizing the DPS dealt by the party. Adding Mona to your team activates the elemental resonance Soothing Water which increases the healing you receive by 30%, which is helpful because adding healing can help Tartaglia dish out more damage. Adding Bennett to your party enables you to have the Vaporize elemental reaction, which is the best combination for hydro at the moment. And of course, Sucrose or any Anemo character helps group enemies and deal Swirl effect.


The best weapon for Tartaglia is the Skyward Harp. However, you can use Viridescent Hunt and Stringless for Tartaglia’s weapon as well. If you would like to use a craftable weapon, you can use Prototype Crescent on Tartaglia. Mona’s best weapon would be the Skyward Atlas or the Solar Pearl. For a craftable option, you can use Mappa Mare on Mona as well. Bennett can use Aquila Favonia or the Flute to maximize his damage. A craftable option for Bennett is the Prototype Rancour. The best weapon for Sucrose would be the Sacrificial Fragments or the Mappa Mare.


The best artifact set for Tartaglia is four sets of Noblesse Oblige to give him burst damage. However, if you want to focus on the Charged attack and elemental Mastery, you can equip him with four sets of Wanderer’s Troupe. You can also equip Tartaglia with Four sets of Retracing Bolide, but you would need a shield on your party to make it work. Mona can use the same artifact set of Noblesse Oblige as Tartaglia as well. Sucrose is best equipped with four Viridescent Venerer, and Bennett can use four sets of Gladiator’s Finale.

Geo Team

Multiple people say that the Geo element does not deal as much damage compared to the other elements. However, this team composition enables you to bring burst damage using Ningguang. If built right, this team composition lets you solo most bosses and has high survivability alongside the burst damage. Ningguang will be your main DPS for this team, paired with Noelle for the Enduring rock elemental resonance. You can exchange Noelle with the new character Zhongli as well, to provide better support damage. Adding Bennett and Sucrose to your party adds more survivability and damage too. Your team will have a Crystallization and Swirl effect.


The best weapon for Ningguang is the Skyward Atlas or the Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds. If you want a craftable option, you can use Mappa Mare on her as well. If you plan to use Zhongli as your support DPS, you can equip him with the Skyward Spine or Favonius lance. If you would like to use Noelle instead, her best weapons are Skyward Pride and Whiteblind. However, you can use Prototype Animus for Noelle as well if you are looking for a craftable option. Bennett’s best weapon, as always, is the Aquila Favonia or the Flute. Sucrose can equip Sacrificial Fragments or Mappa Mare.


The best artifact set for Ningguang is two sets of Archaic Petra and two sets of Gladiator. You can also equip Ningguang with two sets of Archaic Petra and two sets of Noblesse Oblige. If you are using Zhongli, you can equip him with four sets of Noblesse Oblige to spam his buff and Q. If you want to prioritize Zhongli’s Q ability, equip him with two sets of Noblesse Oblige and two sets of Archaic Petra. If you want to prioritize his E ability, equip Zhongli with two sets of Retracing Bolide and two sets of Archaic Petra. Otherwise, Noelle can use two sets of Retracing Bolide and Maiden Beloved for hybrid support. If you would like to maximize her as a support, you can use four sets of Maiden Beloved. However, if you are building damage on Noelle, you can use four sets of Retracing Bolide. The best artifact set for Bennett is four sets of Gladiator’s Finale for good overall damage. Another great artifact set for Bennet is two sets of Bloodstained Chivalry and two sets of Gladiator’s Finale. Lastly, the best artifact set for Sucrose is four sets of Veridescent Venerer.

Electro Team

Keqing is one of the best electro characters in the game. Using her as your main DPS for this lineup enables you to produce continuous elemental burst damage. You can choose to focus on electro elemental damage or physical damage when building around Keqing, but this build focuses on electro elemental damage. Adding Fischl as support DPS amplifies your electro damage and activates the High Voltage elemental resonance. Activating this elemental resonance enables your Keqing to spam her ultimate skill consistently. Adding Mona to your party enables you to get the Electro-Charged effect, adding more AOE damage to your party. Venti is a great addition as Utility and creating the swirl effect on your enemies.


If you are going for the Electro elemental build for Keqing, it is best to equip her with the Lion’s Roar. However, the Skyward Blade deals excellent damage as well. For a craftable option, you can use the Prototype Roar on her. The best weapon for Fischl is the Skyward Harp or the Viridescent Hunt. For craftable options, you can use the Compound Bow. Mona’s best weapon is the Skyward Atlas and the Solar Pearl. Venti works well with the Stringless or Favonius Warbow as his weapon.


The best artifact set for Keqing is four sets of Thundersoother to maximize electro elemental damage. If you want to use Physical damage, you can equip Keqing with four sets of Gladiator’s Finale. Fischl can use four sets of Noblesse Oblige for support damage or Thundering Fury if you would like more elemental damage. If you are building Fischl for DPS, you can equip her with two sets of Bloodstained Chivalry and two sets of Gladiator. Mona can use four sets of Noblesse Oblige or four sets of Instructor. And lastly, Venti can use four sets of Veridescent Venerer or four sets of Noblesse Oblige. If you build Venti for damage, you can use four sets of Wanderer’s Troupe.

Cryo Team

While not as high-tier compared to the other main DPS, Chongyun is a great cryo character and can dish out great elemental damage when built right. Chongyun and Qiqi enable the Shattering ice elemental resonance, which increases the crit rate for frozen enemies. The skills of Chongyun also allows for constant DPS around him. Adding Mona to the team enables you to use the frozen elemental reaction, enabling Chongyun to deal heavy physical damage. Combining Mona with a pyro character like Xiangling allows for more elemental reactions like Melt and Vaporize. Both the Melt and Vaporize elemental reactions allows you to deal extra damage to your enemies.


The best weapon for Chongyun is the Wolf’s Gravestone and Skyward Pride. However, you also have the craftable option of using Prototype Animus. You can equip Mona with Skyward Atlas or Solar Pearl. If you want a craftable option, you can use Mappa Mare as well. The best weapon for Qiqi is the Skyward Blade or Favonius Sword. To maximize Xiangling’s damage, you can equip her with the Skyward Spine or Favonius Lance.


You can equip Xiangling with four sets of Noblesse Oblige to let her spam her Q ability. However, you can also use four sets of Crimson Witch of the Flames for more elemental reaction damage. If you would like to prioritize your Q as Chongyun, you can equip four sets of Noblesse Oblige. However, if you would like to prioritize your E, you can equip him with four Gladiator sets. You can maximize Qiqi’s support abilities using four sets of Maiden beloved. Mona can use four sets of Noblesse Oblige or four sets of Instructor.


Ultimately, the decisions around building your team depend on you. In Genshin Impact, you can choose your preferred character and build around them. The primary factors to consider when building a team are the compatibility and synergy of each character. Using the best weapons and artifacts for each character also allows them to maximize their damage or utility skills. Take a note of the elemental reaction and elemental resonance you can get from choosing a set of characters as well. Elemental resonances give you bonus effects like increased attack and healing. Meanwhile, elemental reactions are great for dealing with elemental combinations and damage. Ultimately, building a team comes down to your preferences, preferred play style, and the enemies you are facing.

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