The game recently broke its all-time record for concurrent players, reaching a staggering 510,286 according to Steam Charts. It is consistently among the top five most played games on Steam, and has maintained a strong position in the Battle Royale arms race. Apex Legends also teased a new map for Eclipse. The teaser quote reads “In Boreas’ shadow, the newest home of the Apex Games gleams.” Season 15 of the battle-royale shooter will also introduce a new gifting feature.

What we know so far about Eclipse

Catalyst will be the new hero introduced in Season 15. Her true name is Tressa Smith and she is the first transgender woman in Apex Legends. Respawn Entertainment worked closely with the NGO Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and its own employees in the creation of the new hero.

— Blair Durkee (@BlairDurkee) October 17, 2022 In the new trailer, Catalyst discusses her transition with Margot. She mentions that “I feel like the whole world has opened up, now that I’m myself.” Catalyst will be voiced by Meli Grant who has previously worked on a number of animes and video games as a voice actor. Catalyst is a defensive specialist and experienced terraformer. Her abilities center around her “remarkable control of ferrofluid to manipulate the battlefield.” The new map for Apex Legends will be set on Cleo, as seen in the trailer. Cleo is the moon of the planet Boreas. According to leaks, the name of the new map is called Divided Moon.

A new gifting system

Season 15 will feature a new cross-platform gifting system. Players will be able to send cosmetic items as gifts to other players that they are friends with in-game. Players are required to be at level 10 and have login verification enabled before they can access gifting. The system also requires that players are friends for two weeks before they can send gifts or receive gifts. Gifts can be purchased using Apex Coins from the Store Tab. Sending gifts will be as simple as clicking on the Gift button and selecting the player’s username. Players are limited to five gifts every 24 hours, and will be notified through their inbox when they receive gifts. All gifts will go directly to inventory once received. Apex Legends is free-to-play on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Season 15 will be arriving on November 1, 2022.

Apex Legends Season 15 coming next month  gets first transgender character - 18Apex Legends Season 15 coming next month  gets first transgender character - 1Apex Legends Season 15 coming next month  gets first transgender character - 10