An example is the following list of words that have G as their second letter. If you can confirm that the Wordle of the day has G in that position, you can go through the words on this list to figure out what the right word is.

again agama agami agape agars agast agate agave agaze agene agent agers agger aggie aggri aggro aggry aghas agila agile aging agios agism agist agita aglee aglet agley agloo aglow aglus agmas agoge agone agons agony agood agora agree agria agrin agued agues aguti egads egers egest eggar egged egger egmas egret igapo igged igloo iglus ngaio ngana ngati ngoma ngwee ogams ogees oggin ogham ogive ogled ogler ogles ogmic ogres ugali ugged 5 letter words with G as the second letter   Wordle game help - 27